Thursday 20 September 2012


Blake believed in this whole idea of Manichaeism, which is what I am basing my music video around. Manichaeism is a contemporary term for someone who views the world as a struggle between Good and Evil.  
Manichaeism is a syncretistic form of Christianity which quickly became successful and spread through the Aramaic-Syriac speaking regions. However this belief gradually faded away within religions after the 14th century.  It is now an attitude of moral dualism (a conflict) which involves the choice between good and evil.
Light is gradually removed from the world of matter and returned to the world of light from which it came.”

1 comment:

  1. Billie - the homework I set 9 days ago should be on here by now. Your job was to use key terms to answer this question: Why has there been an increase in the amount of music festivals in the UK?
    This was due by last Monday.
