Friday 1 March 2013

Final DigiPack.

Panel One. 

Inside Panels - Two and Three. 

Panel Four. 


  1. Well done for uploading your print productions. Revisions:

    1) Dimensions on Panels 2 & 3 are incorrect and are not the dimensions of Panels 1 & 4.

    2) Could you revise captions for Panels 2 & 3 so that the examiner is clear which panels are which. Could you do this without delay. Confusing an examiner is not a good idea!

    3)Also you need to upload your music video as soon as possible.

    Thanks Billie

  2. They are the right dimensions its just I can't post my inside panel the right size on blogger because it is too big but when you print all the panels out they are all the same size.

  3. I can see how you've uploaded these here, Billie - the 'full width' Panel 2-3 looks good as a full landscape.

  4. Well done Billie, thanks for following advice.
