Wednesday, 19 September 2012

If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is... infinite. "

This is an important quote in the book  "Marriage of Heaven and Hell" by William Blake. Its suggesting to me that our perception of reality is clouded by everything evil, hinting that if "the doors of perception were cleansed" then we would see reality as it should be, in everything good. I am going too use this idea within my music video, switching between good and evil and the fine line between the two. This is going to be represented in the video when the man (the lead singer) sees the girl who has been haunting him in his nightmares in the street, suggesting to the audience whether he is actually living in reality or living in his dreams. The idea is quite in depth at first and hard to get your head around it but I believe once I have filmed it, it will have a deeper meaning than most music videos that are published nowadays, which normally focus on the meaning of love and so on.

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