Research into William Blake.
William Blake was a poet born on 28th November 1757, like many poets at this time, he was not very well known during his lifetime. However now he is considered to be an important historical feature within poetry and the visual arts of the Romantic Age.
My main focus of William Blake’s work is his book “The marriage of heaven and hell”. It’s given me a good insight into how I should structure my music video and also influenced me in my ideas for the plot. I want to work my music video around his idea of heaven and hell and its differences.
William Blake believed that everyone was born with a 3rd eye. This eye was the eye of perception. He thought that every human being were in chains because they would not accept their 3rd eye and confined themselves to their 5 senses. "…there are things inside doors, outside doors, and in between the doors…” According to Blake the third eye acts as a "switch" which activates higher states of consciousness and expands spiritual visions. The chains that we are trapped in were man made in Blake’s eyes therefore we are declining ourselves of the higher powers, in other words, he is suggesting that it is our own fault we cant access this third eye unless we allow ourselves to let it open. If you can’t imagine liberty (the third eye) then it will always be impossible to achieve it.
A good example of Blake’s beliefs about the third eye and achieving freedom and liberty is “The chimney sweeper”. The last two lines of each poem represent the difference in man if he opens his third eye.
“Though the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm; so if all do their duty they need not fear harm”. This first poem tells us how Tom, although he may be alone, he didn’t fight the spiritual powers therefore allowing him to be more happier than anyone who didn’t accept the third eye, therefore still being in chains their whole life. The second poem illustrates this difference:
“And are gone to praise God and his priest and king, who make up a heaven of our misery."
An ambitious post, have emailed you for further information, endeavour to somehow communicate this ideology in your music video...for esxample performer has dreamlike experience which liberates her and or gives her fiendish energy....just a thought. Would be nice to link your ideas to aspects of Blake's ideology.